Download: Wackies Series Sailing Instructions 2020 (under preparation)
In order to compete in the Series, Skippers confirm understanding of the Club Racing Standing Orders and agree to be bound by them.
The Series Champion will be determined on the Low Point System of their best 5 results in the Qualifying Events.
A minimum of 3 races is required to constitute a series.
Should no boat record the required number of results the Race Committee may at its sole discretion reduce the number of results needed.
If there is a series-score tie between two or more boats, each boat’s race scores shall be listed in order of best to worst and at the first point(s) where there is a difference the tie shall be broken in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s). No excluded scores shall be used.
If a tie remains between two or more boats, they shall be ranked in order of their scores in the last race. Any remaining ties shall be broken by using the tied boats’ scores in the next to last race and so on until all the ties are broken. These scores shall be used even if some of them are excluded scores.
Qualifying Events (Wackies Series 1): (Wackies Series 2)
May 29th: Race 1 July 7th: Race 1
June 5th: Race 2 24th: Race 2
12th: Race 3 31st: Race 3
19th: Race 4 August 7th: Race 4
26th: Race 5 14th: Race 5
July 3rd: Race 6 21st: Race 6
10th: Race 7 28th: Race 7
Pre-race Briefing
A briefing will be conducted by the OOD at 18:15 on the evening of racing at the clubhouse. Skippers MUST attend or contact the OOD via channel 72 as notification of entry to the race. At the briefing the course will be displayed together with the number of laps.
Harbour Movements
Whilst ferry movements are no longer scheduled during racing, large vessels may still manoeuvre into and around the harbour, this will be signified by the Harbourmaster illuminating a flashing light at the harbour entrance. During the time the light is flashing, boats shall not cross the harbour entrance. Failure to do so could not only be very dangerous but could result in Skipper prosecution and suspension of club racing activities by the Harbourmaster.
Start Times and Signals
All sound signals will originate form the dolphin and will be duplicated over VHF on channel 72
Warning Signal:
19:00 One long signal
Preparatory Signal:
19:05 One signal
Starting Signal:
As per start times on OOD sheet. Any yacht over the start line should return back across the line and restart. Failure to do so will incur a DSQ result( Number of competing boats that race+2).
Start / Finish Line
The START and FINISH will be on a line from the Dolphin at the harbour mouth, to the Millrock marker (round RED inflatable).
No boat shall enter the area between the dolphin and the yellow outer harbour buoy at any point in the race.
Marks and roundings to be observed as per the Course Card.
Shortened Course
If a Shortened Course has not already been declared at the briefing, the full course will be sailed unless the OOD makes it known to the fleet over channel 72
Finish Times
The OOD will record start times and calculated elapsed and corrected times to allow them to be displayed after completion of racing that evening. These results will be provisional and any appeal against them should be made known to Connor McGaughey or Stuart Powrie within 24 hours following the race. Confirmed results will then be published on the WhatsApp group and the club notice board and website.
Late Starters
Any starters who miss the starting signal may motor to the start area (i.e. Near the Mill Rock Buoy), shut off their engine and then carry out a 360 degree turn under sail prior to crossing the start line.
Full CYCA handicaps will be used unless the boat does not hold one in which case the Race Committee will determine one based on similar vessels.
On a race by race basis, should a boat not wish to fly a spinnaker, it may gain a no spinnaker allowance (2.4 mins/hr) but ONLY if declared at the pre-race briefing, otherwise normal CYCA handicap will be used.
A low score linear system will be used as per early series 2019.
Time Limit
All racing will cease at 21.30. An extension of 30 minutes will be allowed if the first boat crossed the line before this time.
VHF Channel
A listening watch should be kept on VHF channel 72.
Connor McGaughey
Honorary Racing Secretary