TCC Christmas Party – Saturday 21st Dec 2024

The Club will be holding a Christmas party for children of all ages this coming Saturday.  The first part will commence at approx 1500 in the Clubhouse to give the young children the opportunity to have some games and a gift in the afternoon with some nibbles.

The second part will commence in the evening, this is intended as a wee get together to round the year off as a social opportunity.  It is scheduled as a Troon’s Got Talent night, if there is sufficient scope we will have a few club members laying on some musical entertainment – all are welcome to participate with their skills, just let us know what you are playing, there is a prize for the winner.  There will be some light nibbles and refreshments available on the evening.

In order to plan for gifts and food please let me know if you are attending. The afternoon event is free and the evening event is £5 per person, come and join us, who knows you may even enjoy it.


Lift-Out October 2024

Our planned lift-out will take place on Saturday, October 19th (weather permitting) with a 7.30am start and we would appreciate as much help as possible. The lift-out list (in the workshop) will open on Saturday September 7th so please fill in your details as appropriate. If anyone has any questions or concerns (for example, engine not working) please contact me directly. Mast station dates will follow.

On the day, if you are attending, please bring gloves and an adjustable spanner to assist with cradle adjustments.

The Galley will be headed up by Moira Brown who would welcome some assistance. Food will be priced at £5.00 for the whole day.

Kind regards, Kyle Stewart.

Wednesday evening BBQ


Dear Members,

As I am sure most of you will be aware this Wednesday evening is the last wacky Race for the season and all members and friends are welcome to our last Wednesday night BBQ for this year. The usual fare of Burgers on a brioche bun with salad and Cheese with veggie options accompanied by a selection of relishes and soft drinks for £3.50 each. If you intend to join us, could you please let me know so we can gauge the quantities of food required?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards, Kyle.