We intend to have a joint venture between the race committee and social committee on Wednesday evening the 25th August to coincide with the end of the Wednesday nights racing for this month. This is open to all, not just those out racing.
A burger with cheese & salad along with a soft drink will be available at the cost of £3.00 each. Vegetarian alternatives will also be available. Food will be available from 19.30hrs. Homemade ice cream will be available at 50 pence per carton.
All members who would like to attend and meet up with other members for a chat are most welcome and if you could give me a call and if the skippers of each yacht could ask their respective crew the number who will be having a burger and get back to me so we can ensure there is enough food for everyone.
For the Racers we will announce the results of this months races.
We hope this will be well supported which will allow us to do this regularly.
Kind regards Race & Social Committees.
Please contact Kyle Stewart
Mob 07747895757
Email kyle529940 @ gmail.com