Work Parties
Throughout the year, there will be calls on Members’ time to undertake maintenance and project work for the Club. This work is normally organised by the Compound or Clubhouse Convenors. It has always been the practice of the Club to minimise its operating costs by using skills and labour of Members. Therefore, it is important that you make yourself available for such work parties and that you tell the organising convenor of your availability. Work party dates and times are normally displayed on the Club Noticeboard and in Newsletters. Also on the work parties page of the website.
There are two specific work-parties each year associated with boat lift-out and lift-in. The former requires all cradles to be assembled and moved into position; the second is to remove and store cradles and tidy the Compound. It is normal that the owners of all boats being stored during the winter attend these work parties. In the event of your not being able to participate, you must let the compound convenor know.
Marina Etiquet
(Do’s and Don’ts with Troon Marina)
Troon Cruising Club is a tenant of the Marina and as such all members must observe certain restrictions required by the Marina of TCC Members. Some of these restrictions may seem unnecessary but it is important that we follow the requirements to ensure relations with our landlord remain amicable.
1. Please do not use your dinghy to row across to the Marina pontoons and tie up so that you can visit the chandlery or the restaurant. Neither is it acceptable to use your dinghy to collect or drop your crew from the Marina pontoons. You must use the Club’s landing facility and walk to and from the Marina.
2. Should you have a problem with your mooring, you must, in the first instance contact the Club’s moorings convenor to discuss your problem; do not go to the Marina office to leave a complaint without having discussed it with the convenor. The Club has in-place a marina liaison protocol and officers to handle such issues and it requires to be adhered to.
3. It is a requirement of the Marina that all Club boats within the Marina are adequately insured for third-party liability (£3,000,000)
4. Red Marina Diesel is supplied by the Marina at their fuel berth. Be aware that they will not supply fuel in portable containers unless the containers are on the boat being refuelled on the fuel berth. Please refrain from visiting the fuel berth to ‘top-up’ with just a few litres before setting off. After completing refuelling, you should leave the berth as soon as possible and not use the opportunity to visit the chandlery, etc as other boats may be waiting to access the fuel berth.
This is covered in Section 6 of the club rules. Follow the locking times indicated on the notices on the compound gates. It is imperative that you do not leave the compound or the Clubhouse unlocked when you are the last to leave. This applies even if you think there may be a member still on his boat; he will have a key and may even be staying on it overnight. There have been occasions (fortunately very few) when Members’ property has been stolen from the compound and boats broken into. Also, in order not to assist potential intruders, please do not leave ladders unlocked when boats are stored in the compound or leave dinghy oars easily accessible enabling intruders to access boats on club moorings.